
Term 5 2023-24

During this term we have started our Tutor Program for up-levelling our times tables skill base. We are having so much fun sharing our knowledge, coming up with games and different ways of learning our time tables. This is such an invaluable skill to acquire, which will set us in good stead for our mathematical lessons now and in the future.

We are continuing with the brilliant Soccer Academy during our PE Sessions. These are teaching us how to work as a team, confidence on and off the pitch and strengthening our hand eye coordination.


We have started our new topic for this term - Pentecost.

We have been enhancing our knowledge with the stories of the Road to Emmaus and Damascus. It has been interesting to learn how our faith as a religion began. Taking a deeper look and reflecting on the actions of the key individuals has helped us to gain a greater understanding of our own faith and how it can and has changed our daily lives. 

Science: Living Things and Their Habitats - The process of reproduction in plants

RE- Fisher Family Trust Assembly

PFA- Wear a hat day!

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school